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Response to Tyler's Media Critique

I was reading through blogs, searching to find one to respond to, and when i opened Tylers blog, the first thing I saw was his Media Critique. He is critiquing Fox News, for a story on a topic that, in his opinion, is not newsworthy. I agree that the individual story doesn't effect a lot of people for a long time, but the overall topic of police brutality is a recurring problem that has been effecting a lot of people for a very long time. So, what can we do to draw attention to the bigger picture and issue at hand, rather than the individual stories that are often skimmed over because they have become so common?
As citizens and journalists, we can and should emulate what many people have recently done with different topics-create a movement. Creating a broader subject for all of these frequent stories to fall under would not only make them more newsworthy, but also draw awareness to them and effectively move society towards change, rather than continuing the cycle that many tragic events fall into; violent occurrence, uproar of condolences, people demand action, people forget, no action is taken, occurrence happens again, and the cycle continues.
As stated in the 7 Yardsticks of Journalism by, "Journalism's purpose, according to ethical codes like that of the Society of Professional Journalists, is to help readers and viewers make sense of pressing issues and events that affect them." Because a situation like police brutality has the potential to affect may, many people, it is the duty of the journalist to create this larger category for the myriad instances of each event to fit into. Doing this would have many benefits for citizens, as well as  fix the violation that Tyler pointed out in his critique. Great job, Tyler! Check out his entry here:


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